- basic GLMM simulation
- experimental tests of sea star predation on coral: haven't had a chance to "wikify" this yet, but in the meantime here are links to the PDF and Sweave files (the old wikified version was getting out of date). (Actually Sweave'ing this file requires the data file as well as a bunch of batch-run output files: e-mail me at "bolker at ufl.edu" …)
- analysis of owl nestling begging data from Zuur et al 2009/Roulin and Bersier 2007; count data, overdispersed, zero-inflated (although the analysis doesn't deal with that [yet]), along with some examples of computing predicted values and confidence intervals on predictions from glmer fits. Self-contained, except that it uses a hacked version of glmer to allow per-observation random effects
- simulation example of analyzing overdispersed data, and list of data sets that I'm aware of that might be used as tests (and why none of them is perfect).
- power analysis
- random effects testing
- quasi- testing
- corrected version of the supplementary material from Bolker et al 2009 TREE article: analysis of variation in responses of Arabidopsis to fertilization and simulated herbivory
- Part 1 (detailed analysis, lme4::glmer) PDF, Rnw
- Part 2 (examples using glmmADMB, MCMCglmm, MASS::glmmPQL) PDF, Rnw
- utility functions
- Attempt to replicate results of Zhang et al 201 ''Stat. Med.'' including a wider variety of R packages:
- Rnw
- utilities/simulation output: Zhang_simfuns.R, Zhang_ADMBsim.R, Zhang_ADMBsim.RData,Zhang_glmersim.R, Zhang_glmersim.RData, Zhang_glmersim2.R, Zhang_glmersim2.RData
- Simulated example of a large nested logistic model: biglogist.pdf, biglogist.Rnw
- Minnesota Health Plan
- Data for Bolker/Fox GLMM chapter:
page revision: 73, last edited: 27 Nov 2013 01:48