Software notes
R packages:
- lme4 (glmer)
- very full-featured in terms of random effects structure (nested and crossed, applied to any parameter), offsets, etc., but still in rapid development and not thoroughly documented. Laplace and AGQ
- MASS (glmmPQL)
- PQL only, but very flexible (front end for nlme random effects, so allows spatial, temporal correlation structures etc.)
- glmmML
- AGQ of random-intercept (single random effect) models, some bootstrap capability
- glmmADMB
- Laplace of various models; includes negative binomial. Rough edges.
- glmmAK
- MCMCglmm
- glmmBUGS
- generates BUGS model files from model specification. Nested random effects only?
- RLRsim
- restricted likelihood tests of variance components by randomization
- hglm
- Generalized linear models with random effects (based on the h-likelihood). Estimation with hierarchical generalized linear models
- previously only PQL, but now (version 9.2) does Laplace and AGQ as well
- very flexible in terms of models etc., but multiple/crossed random effects tricky
- PROC GENMOD (repeated statement)
- asREML
- HGLM methods?
- MLWin, ?
- WinBUGS etc.
page revision: 8, last edited: 16 Mar 2010 11:57